Oral Presentation Guidelines

Oral Presentations – Guidelines

Oral presentations are selected through the abstract submission process. Presenting authors are designated during the submission process and confirmed during the acceptance process. If you are not able to present in person in Delhi, you can designate an alternate presenter from your list of coauthors to present on your behalf.

Oral presentations are presented during the oral sessions these are live sessions of multiple presentations moderated by a chairperson. Oral presentations are made using a presentation slide deck as a visual aid. There are two types of oral presentation at SAFETY2024, Oral presentations and rapid-fire (Pecha Kucha-style) presentations.

  • Oral presentations are 8 minutes of presentations with 2 minutes of questions (total of 10 minutes).
  • Rapid-fire oral presentations (Pecha Kucha style) – these are 6 minutes of presentations limited to 6 slides.

These time limits may not be exceeded.

Oral presentations should be uploaded to the submission system. Please note only .pdf and .ppt/pptx files will be accepted for oral presentations. A set of official presentation templates have been prepared and are available below. Use of the template is encouraged but not mandatory, however all presenters should adhere to the following technical guidelines in preparing posters:

  • All main content slides should have the same layout, all way through (except for image or graph slides).
  • Slides should have an aspect ratio of 16:9 (wide screen).
  • Slides should use only sans serif fonts such as arial, Tahoma, Microsoft sans serif etc.
  • Presentations should include at least the following slides:
    • A Title slide (with title, organisational logos etc)
    • Outline
    • Introduction
    • Conclusions

On the Presentation day

  • Arrive at the venue early
  • Take a backup of your presentation slides with you
  • On arrival into your session room, introduce yourself to the session Chair (if applicable)
  • Make sure you understand the audio-visual controls (you’ll have help with this)
  • Check that you can see a clock or other device to ensure your timing is OK
  • Have water available during your talk


Slide template: Multiple official SAFETY2024 PowerPoint Templates are available in .pptx format are available for use. Though not required, use of a template is strongly encouraged.

Special Audio/Video Needs:

If you have questions or special requests about using audio or videos during your presentation, please contact SAFETY2024 staff on: DMazingi@georgeinstitute.org.uk

To submit your selected Oral Presentation, please send your final PPT at abstractssafety2024@ia-meetings.com.

Final Oral Presentation submission deadline is 13th August 2024.