Pre - Conference Workshops

Workshop Venue: India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi



Full Day Workshops for Saturday (8:30 AM - 17:00 PM) 31 Aug 2024

Organiser: Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Powered Two-Wheeler Safety Thematic Stream

Organiser: Johns Hopkins University

From research to implementation: Lessons learned from drowning prevention in Bangladesh

Organiser: Indian Institute of Technology

Traffic Safety and Sustainable Cities: Challenges for meeting the SDG targets, Road safety Governance and Leadership

Half Day Workshops Saturday Morning (8:30 AM -12:30 PM) 31 Aug 2024

Organiser: The George Institute for Global Health, India

Equity in the Conduct of Research - What has been done and what could be done?

Organiser: Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board of Injury Prevention

Publishing your injury epidemiology and prevention research in 2024 and beyond.

Organiser: James Cook University

Safety Culture, It’s not what you think

Organiser: Johns Hopkins University

Strengthening Post-Injury Care and Rehabilitation-A Systems Approach

Organiser: Foundation Road Safety for All

Building a sustainable knowledge and research infrastructure for supporting lead agencies to implement road safety in LMICs

Half Day Workshops Saturday Afternoon (13:00 PM- 17:00 PM) 31 Aug 2024

Organiser: Drexel University/Universidad de los Andes

Applying AI via deep learning to injury research & prevention - An Introduction

Organiser: Center for Research and sustainable Development CfRSD India

Ensuring Road Safety through Community Participation

Organiser: International Safe Community Certifying Center (ISCCC)/James Cook University.

Safe Communities - Implementation, Sustainability and Evaluation.

Organiser: Global Health Advocacy Incubator

Amplifying Women's Impact in Injury Prevention Advocacy

Organiser: Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Farm Injuries And Prevention

Organiser: Harbin Medical University

Preventing Injury in China - the Past, Present and Future

Organiser: Safetipin, India

Cities for Youth

Full Day Workshops for Sunday (8:30 AM - 17:00 PM) 1 Sept 2024

Organiser: Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety

Safe helmets for all: checking the realities - walkshop (Practical Workshop)

Organiser: Indian Institute of Technology

Traffic Safety and Sustainable Cities: Challenges for meeting the SDG targets, Road safety Governance and Leadership

Half Day Workshops Sunday Morning (8:30 AM -12:30 PM) 1 Sept 2024

Organiser: The George Institute for Global Health, Australia

A Workshop on Implementation Science, Led by David Peiris, Chief Scientist, The George Institute for Global Health

Organiser: UNICEF & SafeKids Worldwide

Building a Safer Future for All Children: Mainstreaming Unintentional Injury Prevention to Support Equity, Scale Up, and Sustainability

Organiser: The George Institute for Global Health

Searching for evidence

Organiser: Johns Hopkins University

Strategic Analysis for Policy Professionals-A framework to Navigating the Path to Successful Policy-Making

Organiser: Vital Strategies

Improving road traffic injury data through data linkage strategies

Half Day Workshops Sunday Afternoon (13:00 PM- 17:00 PM) 1 Sept 2024

Organiser: Global Road Safety Partnership

Supporting advocacy for evidence-based road safety policies– a coordinated approach between GRSP and GHAI

Organiser: Child health initiative

Challenges, research gaps and learnings from implementation of global road safety programmes with Child Health Initiative partners

Organiser: Center for Safe Alaskans and International Safety Media Awards

Building Powerful Theory Driven Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Campaigns

Organiser: TGI Australia & Royal National Lifeboat Institution/ Bournemouth University

Implementation science and Injury Prevention by Design

Organiser: Asian Road Safety Academy

Strengthening Capacity for Research and Practice in Road Safety through Media